Monday 23 January 2012

The structure of thriller openings

For the structure of film opening's i looked at the movie 'Bullitt' on the artofthetittle sequence website.

In this screen shot of the movie it shows how the set up of the thriller is structured in order.
An overall of the opening shots give us a clear idea that it is a thriller as the colours used such as dark blue and black give the audience a sense of mystery. In the second square of the screen shot shows a low camera shot of three men, this gives the audience a sense of suspicion as the shot is very dark and we are just about able to see their faces. Along with the suspicious ware house where men are doing business the music played in the back grounds also backs up the thriller theme, as the instrumental starts of slow (almost like the instrumentals played in 'james bond') with a light tapping of the symbols on a drum kit and a soft constant sound of a saxophone and then builds up to a high tempoed sound of the saxophone there fore creating suspicion and tension.

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