Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Analysis of some Sub Genre's by TV poster and DVD covers (Genre+Audience)

In the Others' film, the genre is Supernatural Thriller. We can see this by just looking at the the poster too. There's the main character who seems to be in shock over something and is looking over at something that we can not see. The black background fading into the actress' face makes it look supernatural too. The expression she has on her seems scary and frightened. The target audience for this film seems to be over 12's.

This film, Dream House is Supernatural/Psychological Thriller, by looking at the poster. We can see that there's two girls, one that looks creepy when she's looking over her shoulder at us. Another thing is that the 3 main characters seem to be trapped in some type of door knob with the different stressed expressions. The target audience for this seem to be above 12's. 

The film Tower Heist is a Comedy Thriller that stars Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy; they are famous actors that star in comedy films, we can also immediately know that this film will have comedy in it. The poster shows us a group of actors that are on a slanted building. The little dog wearing red also adds a comedic feel to it. Since the video has a certificate of 12A, its suitable for a wide range of audience. 

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