Tuesday 20 March 2012


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

I think my title opening was quite conventional we started with the distribution and production companies, we then went on to the three main actors which are normally after the title sequence if there isn't any famous actors involved. 
I think 03:01 was a conventional film opening as the audience were introduced to the main character and also saw the pre plot, which was the characters Jekyll and Hyde like personality and a dead body at the end of the opening.
Our film opening definitely raised questions, the lighting was quite dark and the character was quite ambiguous was she the protagonist or the antagonist? Was the person under her bed dead or just unconsciousness? Why were there voices? This relates to The Ring as it starts our ordinary enough with two teenagers it also raises questions as she talks about a killer video tape and then she dies.
Also with our film there is alot of close ups of the main characters face this was to create suspense this relates to the Shining because they also have a scene were the film's antagonist plunges his head through the door and shouts "heres johnny."

Our film opening resembles that of Panic Room because it starts with an establishing shot of the city.

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