Friday 30 March 2012

Evaluation Question 5

Aspects of my film opening:

Mise en Scene

  I used this very wisely in the film opening. Props used like fake blood,and the Globe, had a significance in the product, when made into a whole movie, the globe will gain more meaning as to why we see it occurring in the film.


The audience felt the story line in my film product was very convienient, as the Psychological impact it can gain from the audience and their understanding will be at great effect, as the character protrayed in the film, does the unatural, and the supernatural after 03:01 pm. This is significant tto the title. In addition the chracters whereabouts is displyaed (bedroom) just like Pranormal Actvivty to give off that thrill effect. The audience commented also that what would have been better is if, we make another character in the film visable so that we can know where our chracter is based, if she is living on her own, or with parents, to make it clear no one around her knows what happens, except her victims.


This Genre is a thriller, its sub-genre is a Psychological thriller, which the audience again commented and said that it appeals to alot of people their age, 17-25's roughly because making the audience want to know more about the characters state and what that charcters Psycholohiocal state makes them do is quite interesting. This feedback was said by both male and female feedback.

The location was very obvious here as majority of the audience knew where it was based (Hackney0 and said that it was very funny that if it was reality, a girl living in Hackney like the one in my opening will be very weird and not normal because the location is a very different atmosphere that most other areas. Other than these statements, i believe the location was a great choice.

A few other statements were made by the Sound. Some of the audeince stated that they liked the choice in sound, and the freaky, weird, lullaby that was dimly played in the background gave that 'Pyschological' and 'mysterious' effect. then the use of what sounded like a demening and dismal feeling. also  a few comments on the film name came to notion, and some people thought it was a smart choice in title choice, as our storyline was obviously ' After 3am the supernatural things come to life'.

Rough cut

When uploading the rough cut, issues came across as we had problems seeing the actual images, by then our sound was not ready and a few more scenes had to be added in and edited. We were still behind on this at that time, which did bring stress and worry on the group but we got through it.
Heres and example of the rough cut:

As you can see there was a lot to do. From taking accounts and influences from friends suggestions and from watching more and more movies at home, the film improved a lot and our audience slightly changed to mid aged teenagers.


Here is a few clips from the audience and their Feedback from the film.

Also in our spare time one of the girls in my group created a advertisement poster like other films in the media now as an example of what it would look like as a real movie, with everyones ideas and help Emma made this and published it on facebook:

NOTE: There is another question 5 that my whole group and I also made to explore more feedback clips etc.

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