Tuesday 20 December 2011

Conventions of film openings

Film openings consist:
-The production company
-Distribution company logo
-Setting the scene of the film, (location too)
-Music which is used to set the mood of the film
-Key characters in the film.

An example of this would be the film One Hour Photo.

We first see the distribution company which is by Fox. After the title sequence we see the main character in a close up shot. 

We then see over the shoulder shots when the detective seems to be interrogating the main character. The mood of the scene seem to be intense and serious.
The film is shown backwards, which means that we basically see the ending of the film first, and are taken through what happens during the film.

Watching Documentary and Questions.

1) Thomas Sutcliffe means that if the opening of the film doesnt raise excitment then there is no pont watching it.

2)Jean Jacques Beineix thinks that all the excitement shouldnt happen in the beginnng, he belives that the audience should wait so that the excitment can build up slowly. He belives that if the audience recieves all the gratification in the begnining the rest of the film wont be good.

3)This quote means that the opening should be qute ambiguous so that the audience doesnt know how to react to it. It also means that the audence should feel intrigued by the opening so that they'll want to watch more.

4)Stanley Kauffman says that a classic opening should start with an establishing shot,- preferrably of New York City- a close up of a building and then the camera tilting vertically up the building it would stop at a window and then we'll see inside the window it would then go past the reciption desk and into the office of the main charater. It was a simple way to show where the movie was set and the occupation of the main character.

5)The title sequence to Kyle Coopers seven was very effective because it was quit gritty and it got the audiences attention it told a story and it acted as a prelude to what will happen in the actual movie.

6)Orson Welles wanted the audience to plunge straight into the movie and didnt want them to be prepared for what was to happen.He did this by not using title music or credits. Universal Studios put a score underneath and credits so the opening lost its effect and wasnt unconventional as it was before. They did this because they didnt understand why Welles hadnt used a title sequence.

7) The trick is that the movie begins whith the ending, it raises questions and keeps audiences interested as they will be curious to know how such events led to the movie ending this way.

8)The camera is at a high angle and is always behind the travelling car which shows that something is wrong. It creates suspense as the landscape is qute beatiful but yet there is a sense that driving into danger.

Conventions Of Film Openings

One hour photo starts with the title sequence, we see that the film is distributed by Fox searchlight pictures. Also the way the titles appear contribute to the film there is a subtle flash after each title which emphasises that photos are important in this film.

After the title sequence we see an establishing close up of the main character - Seymour Parrish -  and we are also introduces to other characters that are vital in the plot.

There is a non diegetic sound which is quite sombre and eerie and goes nicely with the film, there is also a sharp sound when Seymour is having his picture taken. Seymour also narrates in the beginning and tells the audience what he thinks a photo displays. The opening has a wde shot and alot of over the shoulder shots espcially when the Officer is interogatng Seymour.

We see that the film opens with the ending which raises questions and keeps audiences on their toes.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Friday 9 December 2011

Different types of shots

First vid
*long shot (LS)
*Big close up (BCU)
*Medium close up (MCU)
*2 shot
*Low angle shot
*Shot of someone looking

Second vid
*point of view (POV)

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Conventions Of Film Openings

One Hour Photo (2002)
This film introduces sense of mystery and curiosity in the first few minutes of the clip.
this was very useful as it draws the viewer in instantly, arising question. this convention was sued delicately as mysterious openings are the best way i think to draw in viewers.